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03rd May 2014

Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters – CCTV Footage Captures Moment Man Was Pushed And Dragged By Ghost

This gave us the creeps!


Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters…

We’ve all heard a fair share of ghost stories in our time but very few of us have actually seen one, until now.

This piece of eerie CCTV footage captures the very moment a man is pushed to the ground and dragged along an isolated corridor by what appears to be a ghostly figure.

A dark shadow is visible on camera for a few seconds before quickly disappearing. It doesn’t take long for the male to jump back onto his feet and male a dash back in the direction that he’d came.

The minute long clip posted onto YouTube has already garnered over 700,000 views in just a few weeks. 

We can’t be sure if this is real but it most definitely gave us the creeps.

Video via YouTube/Gamamori
Hat-tip: The Mirror

