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13th Jun 2024

Forget booking the 20kg – this is apparently how to pack 10 days into a carry-on

Sophie Collins

carry on

Planning a getaway but worried about the cost of checked baggage? 

You can say goodbye to those extra fees by mastering the art of packing everything you need into a carry-on. 

If you’re heading away on a ten-day escape and are worried about fitting everything you need into a 10kg, then this is the article for you.

According to the Container Store, by following this easy guide, you’ll have everything you need and a few extra bob saved from leaving the 20kg behind.

Coordinate Tops and Bottoms

First things first: lay everything out on your bed. This visual overview helps you narrow down your choices and ensures that your selected clothes work well together. 

Aim for three to five tops that coordinate with two to three bottoms –  think mix and match. 

Add Dresses and Jackets

Next, pick out three dresses and one to three jackets or light cardigans. These are perfect for nights out and add versatility to your wardrobe. 

Jackets are not only great for layering but can also transform your look instantly. 

Select Two Pairs of Shoes

Shoes can be the trickiest part of packing light. Be selective and consider comfort. Choose two pairs of shoes that work with both pants and dresses. 

Remember, you’ll be wearing a third pair, so pick wisely. Pack the shoes in a travel shoe bag to keep them organised and your clothes clean.

Choose Your Jewellery

When it comes to jewellery, less is more. Select a few statement pieces—three to seven should do it. 

These can elevate any outfit without taking up much space. A travel jewelry case is perfect for keeping these pieces safe and untangled.

Toiletries and Accessories

Pack your underwear and pjs. Your makeup and toiletries go into a small bag or a toiletry organiser. 

Don’t forget your curling iron or straightener – an insulated case will keep it safe. Lastly, pack chargers and small accessories in a small zippered pouch.

And just like that, you’re ready to go with 10 days’ worth of clothes neatly packed in your carry-on!

By following these tips, you can enjoy your trip without the hassle and expense of checked luggage. 

Happy travels!