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03rd Jul 2012

How to Rock That Itsy-Bitsy Bikini This Summer

Here are a few tips and tricks to turn you from beach blob to beach babe in no time...


Ladies, it’s that time of year again. You know what we’re talking about. The sun may not be shining here in Ireland (no surprises there then), but chances are wherever you’re jetting off to on your holidays, it’ll be bright blue skies and sweltering heat.

In melting hot heat there’s nothing better than a dip in a perfect azure ocean. Unfortunately, you can’t go in fully-clothed. Well…you could try, but people will probably think you’re a bit weird, especially our European cousins with their passion for sunbathing in the nip.

Your only option is to do what most women dread – don a bikini or a bathing suit and go out in public. Yes, we know, it’s terrifying, but we’re here to help you feel more ‘hell yes’ and less ‘oh no’ about your bikini experience so here are a few tips and tricks to turn you from beach blob to beach babe in no time. Take a deep breath and dive in:

Let’s talk clichés: The most important thing you need to remember is the following, horribly clichéd remark: no one is perfect.

See that girl in the bikini giving Gisele a run for her money? She’s probably cringing inwardly because she hates her legs or her stomach. See that other woman who has curves in all the right places? She’s probably paranoid that you’re staring at her non-existent cellulite.

Everyone has parts that they don’t like displaying in public. You’re all in the same boat. Promise.

No one is looking: No matter how insecure you feel stepping out in a bathing suit, rest assured that no one (aside from your appreciative boyfriend/husband) is staring at you.

Women aren’t whispering about the size of your backside, men aren’t making elephant noises when you stroll by and children aren’t mistaking you for a beached whale.

All those stares? They’re all in your head. Relax.

Pamper yourself to perfection: The quickest way to get rid of insecurity is to make yourself feel good. Fact. Before you’re due to wiggle yourself into that bathing suit, make an appointment at the beauticians or spend a few hours at your holiday abode pampering yourself.

Get your eyebrows done, get a pedicure, get a bikini wax – if you dare. Use a body brush on your skin to get it glowing and slather on some summery coconut body cream. You’ll feel so much better, you’ll know that there’s no dry skin/embarrassing stray hairs on show and you’ll be able to relax safe in the knowledge that if people are staring, it’s just because your skin looks amazing and you’re rocking that hot pink nail varnish.

Bling it up with some accessories: Take attention away from your body by investing in some gorgeous bling or accessories.

Want to get people looking at your face rather than your tummy? Get some oversized earrings, or a statement sun hat. Want to make yourself look smaller? Carry a chic, oversized beach bag. Want to emphasize your smooth shoulders? Get a statement necklace. Worried about your legs? Go for sky-high wedges – they’ll make your legs look longer and they’re super comfy.

The most important thing to remember: Bikinis and bathing suits aren’t just for supermodels. Don’t feel like they’re off limits. You can wear it just as well as Kim Kardashian. It’s all about confidence.

Spend some time getting yourself ready. Give yourself a mini pep-talk and then get yourself out and enjoy the sunshine and the sea and remember: you’re a real woman, living in the real world, not some photoshopped android. You look great and you’ve earned the right to enjoy yourself so off you go. It sure as hell beats sitting under a towel and worrying about your stretch marks for the duration of your holiday, right? 
