The hashtag that has everyone in bits.
Irish citizens all over the world have been making the journey home to vote in the referendum to repeal or retain the eighth amendment.
Documenting their journey, people have been using the hashtag #HomeToVote on social media to show their commitment and it has become one of the most heartwarming hashtags to appear online in a long while.
With less than 24 hours to go now until polling stations open, these people are making sure their voices are heard loud and clear during this referendum.
Just collected eldest son from Dublin Airport. In 2015 Ireland gave him his right – the right to get married.
On Friday he’ll return the favour and vote to give women the right to make decisions about their own bodies. #Together4Yes #hometovote #soproud— Noeleen McHugh (@MchughNoeleen) May 23, 2018
All the way from Sweden to Kerry, a 12 hour journey to cross a big fat YES on the ballot paper #HometoVote #repealthe8th
— Nora (@tea_and_biccies) May 23, 2018
15,000km roundtrip starts today. As I travel today, I’ll be thinking of all the women who’ve made a journey overseas to access the care and support they should be receiving in Ireland #hometovote #RepealTheEighth #Together4Yes
— Hannah (@HaytchTeeHaytch) May 23, 2018
I will be arriving in Dublin airport at about 3pm on Friday and heading #hometovote in Roscommon. If anyone needs a lift to polling stations in the midlands or west please DM me. #Together4YES #8thref #repealthe8th
— Joe O’Connor (@Jocser99) May 23, 2018
Approximately 25 seconds after the referendum date was announced I booked my flights home from Toronto. To all of the women who have been, and continue to be affected by the 8th amendment – I’m so sorry. The women of Ireland deserve better. #hometovote #RepealTheEighth
— Fia (@fiarufina) May 23, 2018
Louis and KATE in Toulouse, coming #HomeToVote
— Saundra Stephen (@hiheal) May 23, 2018
I travelled #hometovote because the women of Ireland deserve better. This isn’t only about the right to choose; it’s about consent during pregnancy; it’s about barrier-free access to healthcare; it’s about fundamental human rights. Things need to change and I want to do my part.
— Cora (@jesusham) May 23, 2018
Just off the plane #hometovote!! And my amazing family came through with the banners…can’t wait to get out and do some last minute campaigning to make Ireland more compassionate! #Together4Yes #YourYesMatters #mybodymychoice
— Gill_Connolly (@Gill_Connolly) May 24, 2018
My sister is coming #HomeToVote in the middle of her honeymoon. I couldn’t be more proud. Make the right choice to let people have a choice. It’s time to move Ireland into the 21st century #TogetherForYes
— Craig Irwin (@craigjirwin) May 23, 2018
In about 24 hours our brilliant daughter gets off work early to begin the transatlantic #hometovote voyage. Taking leave without pay on Friday, and heading back on Saturday morning. One of SO many YES voters doing this. It’s up to the rest of us to #getoutandvote #RepealThe8th
— Chris Coyle (@iaintgonnagoa) May 23, 2018
Cost of flights from Hanoi to Dublin: 800 euro. Length of journey: 20 hours. Chance to #repealthe8th: PRICELESS. #hometovote #Together4Yes
— the cute hoor (@HoorayForNiamh) May 22, 2018
I’m coming #HomeToVote ! Will be traveling 5,169 miles from LA to Dublin and will be thinking of every Irish woman who has had to travel to access healthcare that should be available in their own country. Let’s do this, Ireland! #repealthe8th #VoteYes
— Lauryn Canny (@LaurynCanny) May 23, 2018
Was actually so humbled and relieved to meet four other Irish people on the flight from Buenos Aires to London, all of them flying onwards to Dublin today or tomorrow to #voteyes. #hometovote #together4yes
— Ciaran Gaffney (@gaffneyciaran) May 23, 2018
So I forgot my repeal jumper when I first started my travels in January and now my mam and dad are after showing up at Dublin airport with the jumper in hand and I just ???????? #HomeToVote #Together4Yes #repealthe8th #VietnamToIreland
— the cute hoor (@HoorayForNiamh) May 23, 2018