In Syria, rockets kill 40 civilians a day, nine of them children.
Nine children every day.
Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the conflict that has forced over 12 million people to flee the country and has left the country torn apart.
Artist Will St. Leger has collaborated with GOAL to create a powerful art installation on King Street in Dublin today.
The fake missile was planted on the street to raise awareness of the real, and terrifying impact the conflict is having on real people and their families.
Went to @WillStLeger‘s #NowYouKnow installation after 5yre of Syria bombing. Stark execution (in more ways than one)
— Shane Gillen (@GillenMagic) March 14, 2016
5 years of war in Syria, families torn apart. #NowYouKnow #withsyria #GOALGlobal
— Will St Leger (@WillStLeger) March 14, 2016
This conflict is one of the most brutal in living memory, and GOAL is raising funds to help those affected.
Image via Twitter @shanegillenmagic