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13th Feb 2014

Wuthering Heights and One Day, The 10 Most Romantic Reads Of All Time

That's our reading list sorted for the next while...


It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a relationship or not, Valentine’s Day can be the perfect excuse to sit down with a hot cuppa and a good book.

Better still, Eason has done the hard work for you and put together a list of the top 10 romance novels of all time.

From Jane Austen to Cecelia Ahern, there is something for everyone which means you could still drop a few hints to your other half ahead of tomorrow or nip in and get your hands on a great novel to pass the day.

The more classic reads which made the list were Romeo & Juliet (William Shakespeare), Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), Pride & Prejudice: (Jane Austen) and A Poet to His Beloved (WB Yeats).

Also in the mix were The Fault in Our Stars (John Green), Ps I Love You (Cecilia Ahern), Time Traveller’s Wife (Audrey Niffeneggar), One Day (David Nicholls), Me Before You (Jojo Moyes) and The Notebook (Nicholas Sparks).