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16th Jan 2024

This wholesome trend has women supporting one another by sharing their life tips

Jody Coffey


In 2024, we don’t gatekeep the things that make life easier.

In an emerging wholesome trend, women are sharing life tips in a bid to support other women.

This beautiful movement has seen users reveal the little things that add comfort, relaxation, help, and motivation to their lives.

Women taking part in the trend have parted with useful tips that include everything from life hacks to beauty tips, favourite products to travel hacks, as well as offering inspiring relationships and big sister advice.

As we are now in the full swing of a new year, this trend is one that we hope to see grow and spread from the screen into our lives.

In a video posted by the account The Ancient Ancestress (@theancientancestress), the user called for women to support women by asking them to post comments with their favourite life tips to ensure they thrived in 2024.

Here are some of our favourites:

“You don’t have to drink alcohol just because the people around you do”

Are you sober curious? If so, now is the time to explore it.

Many of us spend a lot of money and time on alcohol-related socialising when we really don’t want to.

It can start as simple as asking yourself why you drink, how it makes you feel, and if it adds anything worthwhile to your life.

It’s important to remember that drinking shouldn’t be a requirement for a friendship. If it feels that way, maybe it’s the friendship that needs reconsidering.

There are lots of communities out there to help with questions in this area that also provide sober events and virtual meet-ups with like-minded people.

“Do one thing you love with another you hate. I listen to audiobooks while doing laundry”

With New Year resolutions just two weeks old by now, many of us (myself included) may be struggling to keep those promised intentions.

This comment on this trend offers a new approach to starting new habits that benefit your life.

Perhaps you want to start running this year? Consider doing it while you listen to your favourite audiobook or podcast.

Maybe you want to meditate more? Merge your self-care routine with the practice of popping on a hair or face mask at the same time as a session takes place.

This means you don’t have to go full throttle to implement a new habit into your life but rather slot it in before, after, or during.

“Turn your coat hangers around at the start of the year. Whichever ones are still facing the opposite way by summer, donate them.”

This is one I needed to read, as I have a habit of hoarding clothes, particularly jackets.

I’m not sure if it’s because they make up the highest price value in my wardrobe, but coats I have worn in years go unworn with every passing New Year.

This is a great way to highlight the ones that just need to go.

If we’re honest, many of us likely have clothes that we need to part with; donating them makes the process a little easier.

Credit: Getty

“Turning off the big lights and using warm lighting and candles at night reduces stress and helps you wind down”

I’m a big advocate for caramel lighting, aka a dimmed room with warm and relaxing tones.

I’m not sure if it’s a sensory thing, but big and bright lights in relaxing spaces overwhelm me and remind me of hospital lighting.

This is a great tip for anyone who hasn’t made the connection between lighting and being alert before bedtime.

“Date yourself. Make a list with all the dates you wish you would be taken on and take yourself”

This one applies to everyone, whether they’re in a relationship or single.

The relationship we have with ourselves is the longest and most constant one we’ll ever have; it’s important to nurture it.

Whether it’s as small as a coffee date or as big as a holiday, spending some alone time can teach you a lot about yourself.

Let’s make 2024 the year we get to know ourselves.

“Don’t pump your mascara to get more product on your wand”

Guilty as charged.

The amount of mascara I have ruined by not knowing this information is shocking.

The comment adds that we shouldn’t pump the mascara because “It’ll produce air bubbles & dry out your mascara. Instead, twist the wand a ton to coat it!”

Kind of feels like mascara should come with this warning, but here we are.

Credit: Getty

“Magnesium supplements have been a big game changer for my sleep + period cramps!”

According to Nutritionist Resource, even a mild magnesium deficiency can cause issues with muscle weakness, cramps, sensitivity to noise, and sleep disturbances.

Anyone who feels like they are running on reserve energy by the end of their cycle may have low levels of magnesium.

Magnesium can be a natural way to ease any symptoms of fatigue.

Remember, consult with your GP before taking supplements.

“if a doctor is ever questioning you/not listening say “you are telling me that there is 0% chance that I have *enter symptom or suspected issue*”

“Ask them to put it in writing if they dare agree” the comment adds.

In a world where women’s symptoms are constantly overlooked and diagnoses’ are missed, this is simple but powerful advice to take into consideration at your next doctor’s appointment.

This trend has found a user that has given women a sentence that could make all the difference in getting a life-changing diagnosis and treatment.

“Keep a picture of yourself when you were very young, on your bathroom mirror. Start your day with saying something kind to your younger self.”

If we spoke to children the way we speak to ourselves at times, we’d find ourselves very much alone.

The critical voice inside our heads can forget that it’s also speaking to the inner child within.

This comment offers a brilliant and grounding method for catching that voice before it digs its heels in and points out its perceived (and unfounded) flaws.

If you want to read more of the amazing advice and tips on this trend, you can find them here.