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15th Jan 2024

What your lipstick shape says about you

Anna Martin


The shape of your lipstick can reveal things about your personality

Some people might consider it an essential part of their everyday look while others prefer to keep it as a little extra something for special occasions.

If there’s one thing that always happens to lipstick when you use it it’s that the shape of the bullet changes.

Yet what does that unique shape mean? Whether it’s now a flat top or now sharpened to a point, apparently it can reveal something about your personality.

Rounded to a point

Credit: Getty

People tend to find your personality polarising, some will love you deeply while others may have a strong dislike for you.

Thankfully this doesn’t seem to affect you at all and you take pride in being loud, proud and sharing your opinions without any regrets.

Though you may appear tough and like nothing bothers you, you’ll be the first person to offer support when your friends need it.

Flat top

lipstick shape
Credit: Getty

If your friends were asked to describe you in one word, hands down it would be funny.

You’re witty, caring and intelligent, no doubt that people are just drawn to you, the proof is in your seemingly endless circle of friends.

Despite this, you’re headstrong and get easily frustrated when people disagree with you, occasionally leading to a good old-fashioned row.

Like new

Credit: Getty

If your lipstick more or less looks the same as the day you got it, it’s safe to say that you’re a bit of a perfectionist.

Even today, you get nervous about disappointing other people or hurting someone’s feelings.

On the bright side, this empathy has made you a lovable person who is always a valuable component of every relationship you have in life.

Sharp angle with a curved top

Credit: Getty

You’re a bit on the wild side, a little bit unconventional and definitely unique.

You have such a distinct personality that you always find yourself and your friends saying that given certain situations, that’s so you.

In many ways you’re one in a million so people want to hold onto you.

Rounded top

Credit: Getty

If you pull out a lipstick that is smooth and rounded in shape, chances are you probably care deeply about your family and much prefer gathering together your friends and loved ones at home, rather than going out.

You’re also very creative and artsy, taking pride in your talents as a writer, musician or artist, and enjoy expressing yourself.

That doesn’t mean you’re not a stickler for the rules, however – quite the opposite in fact. You tend to stay within the bounds of society and were always called a pleasure to teach back in school.

Sharply angled sides

Credit: Getty

If this is your shape, no doubt you’re beautiful, intelligent, and a natural flirt – a powerful trio!

You’re very outgoing and love to perform putting on a show for everyone and anyone who will watch.

Some people think you’re cocky, but deep down you’re proud of who you are and you’re not afraid to let them know it.