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18th Dec 2018

Woman Googles cost of her Secret Santa gift and legit confronts colleague about it

Jade Hayden

Is she for real or?

Secret Santa is generally an alright scenario.

You buy someone something, they buy you something, nobody gets hurt and you generally you gain a new set of pyjamas or a mug or some other innocuous gift that you didn’t actually want or need but sure look, it’s the thought that counts.

Except, to some people, it isn’t the thought that counts at all – it’s how much money you spent and whether or not you spent enough money and if you didn’t could you please take your shitty gift and but me a Samsung tablet, please.

That’s what one woman decided to go ahead and try to pull anyway.

She wasn’t too happy with the blanket and chocolates she received because they were about $20 under the $50 spending limit.

And even though 50 quid is an obscene amount of money to be spending on a Secret Santa, it’s still not half as obscene as literally asking somebody to take their shitty present back and buy you a tablet instead.

The sheer nerve.

Here’s screenshots, courtesy of Reddit, documenting what went down.

A Samsung Galaxy tablet like.

Where is your one going?

People on Reddit didn’t really seem to know themselves as they were equal parts baffled by the brazen request and the ridiculous Secret Santa limit. 

50 quid, like.
