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04th Nov 2013

“We’ll Really Miss You Mrs. K.” – The Simpsons Pay Tribute Marcia Wallace


Actress Marcia Wallace, best known as the voice behind Bart Simpson’s teacher, Edna Kabappel, passed away last week, suffering complications after having pneumonia.

The news that 70-year-old had died shocked and saddened friends colleagues, and those of us who have grown up with the cartoon.

Actress Marcia Wallace famed for her role as Edna Kabappel.

Tributes flooded in from across the globe for Wallace, however it was last night’s fitting tribute on the cartoon itself that was the most poignant.

The chalkboard joke in the intro had the message, “We’ll Really Miss You Mrs. K.” chalked across, with a very sad looking Bart standing in front.

Yes, we did cry when we seen this.


The Simpsons