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06th Jun 2015

WATCH: The Hilarious Moment Walker Wakes Up On Painkillers And Finds His Cast…

What else are sisters for if not publicly mortifying you?


The awkward moment when you wake up under heavy painkillers and your family decide to record your reaction to having a cast.

Thankfully for Walter, it’s hilarious and it’s about to turn him into an internet sensation.

Walker Clark from Roswell, America woke up after an accident on his swings with a broken arm… and a whole new sense of excitement.


Having been given ketamine as a painkiller, Walker couldn’t feel the pain of his freshly broken bone. He also couldn’t hold in the excitement of the new accessory:

“Where am I? I have a cast! Look at my cast! whoa! My cast is amazing.”

We’re not going to ruin it for you, but there’s an amazing moment where a family member tries to cover his arm to stop him from swinging it around.

This is hilarious!

Video via Aubree C