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05th Feb 2013

Turn Down The Bass, The Baby Is Asleep: Mother Takes Her 4-Month-Old Son To A Rave

Sarah-Jane Hulme has caused outrage online after she took her young son to a drum and bass event.


Would you ever take your child to a rave? No? You’re not alone but a mother from Wales has been slammed for taking  her four-month-old  son to an “ear-splitting drum and bass” event.

The Sun reports that Sarah-Jane Hulme was seen dancing next to other concert goers at the event, while her son (who was wearing ear protection) slept in his pram.

Despite the fact that Ms Hulme had put ear protection on her son, concerned attendees told police about the incident at the weekend. The story surfaced online earlier today and has caused outrage on parenting message boards.

“Anyone taking a baby to a rave is raving mad. A four-month-old needs calm, not booming music, strobe lights and rowdy partygoers. If you want to go out, get a babysitter,” said Siobhan Freegard from the parenting website Netmums.

However, Ms Hulme maintains that she did nothing wrong and said that this was the third gig she had taken her young son to.

“I breast-feed him so he has to be with me. In France or Spain, parents are encouraged to take their kids to music festivals,” said Ms Hulme.

“My daughter Kerry was performing with her band in her home town for the first time and I wanted to be there. What’s wrong with that?” she added.

Would you ever take a baby to a rave?

Ms Hulme said that the police had searched her for drugs on her way into the event and that they had said nothing about her son. She said that she breast-fed her son until her daughter’s band appeared onstage at 10pm and that her son, Django, slept through the entire performance.

At 12.30am, police stopped the music at the concert and asked Ms Hulme to come forward.

“That is some irresponsible s**t,” a DJ at the gig was reportedly heard saying.

Ms Hulme left the gig without speaking to the police who were trying to track her down.

“I couldn’t leave him with anyone as he needs to be breast-fed every couple of hours. I don’t think I’ve been irresponsible at all,” said Ms Hulme.

What do you think? 
