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01st Mar 2013

Saved By The Bell – Seven Reasons why Bayside High was the Best School Ever

Admit it, you wanted to go here in the 90s.

Rebecca McKnight

‘It’s aaaaaalright, ‘cause I’m saved by the bell…’

Ah Bayside. You were the fictional high school that made every young Irish person in the 90’s want to emigrate just so they could attend your hallowed halls. Mostly so they could hook up with Zack or Kelly, (depending on your persuasion), but also for these great reasons.

1. Mr. Belding. That is all.

Richard Belding you big legend you. He tried to play the hard-ass, but Belding was an old softie at heart who would do absolutely anything for his kids. Bless him, and his catchphrase.

2. School shows were epic

Best. Play. Ever.


3. Fights like THIS happened in the hallway

We’re not advocating violence, but this is hilarious…


4. After School Activities

When your day at school was done you could head to The Max and dance like this.


5. Bayside bred Rockstars

Remember the time the whole gang was in a band?


6. There was a Glee Club well before GLEE

Lea Michele, you’ve got nothing on this 


7. You could become a successful businessperson while still in school

Screech’s Spaghetti Sauce, Zack’s pimple cream, Buddy Bands – Bayside was a good place to be if you were a budding entrepreneur.


Who are we kidding… we still want to go there.
