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21st Aug 2014

Doctors Remove The Skeleton Of Baby Which Was Left Inside Mother For 38 Years

The woman in question is now 62.

Sue Murphy

Doctors in India have removed the skeleton of a baby that was inside a woman for 38 years. The woman is believed to have had the world’s longest ectopic pregnancy.

According to the Metro, the woman in question, Jyoti Kumar, who is now 62, fled when she discovered her baby was growing outside of the womb and stood little chance of survival.

It is believed that Kumar fled in fear of an operation, according to the Daily Mail, and received treatment in another clinic. When the pain subsided, she thought everything was fine.

After 38 years, Ms. Kumar began to experience severe stomach pain and visited the doctor. When they examined her, they found the bones of her stillborn child.

‘She said the pain had been consistent over the last two months and we found a lump on the lower right side of her abdomen, and feared it was cancer,’ said Dr Mohammad Yunus Shah, from the NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences.

He added: ‘We believe this could be the longest case on record at 38 years.

