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08th Feb 2024

Foods that can boost your libido (that aren’t oysters)

Anna Martin


When you think of foods that can help increase your libido, you probably think of oysters

Though considered a natural aphrodisiac by many, this slimy shellfish just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but there are other foods with way better textures that you can try.

Yet you might be asking what exactly is an aphrodisiac before you head to the shops and try to buy everything on this list.

Don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

What is an aphrodisiac?

Food science researchers have looked for connections that show certain foods lead to an increase in libido or sex drive.

While not necessarily the key to spicing up your love life, certain foods do have feel-good compounds, such as capsaicin in chilli peppers that enhance bodily sensations or antioxidants in fruits like cherries, pomegranates, figs and strawberries that improve your blood flow.

Others, like oysters, asparagus and figs simply resemble our more intimate body parts.


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It makes sense when you remember that in ancient Mesoamerica, the Maya and Aztecs believed cacao was the food of the gods.

According to a New York Times article, chocolate was by the Aztec emperor Montezuma to fuel his ahem, passions.

These days, the science behind the claim comes mainly from a 2006 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which looked to find out if chocolate is an aphrodisiac.

The results of the study, conducted on women in Northern Italy, confirmed a link between daily chocolate consumption and increased sexual desire.

If anything it’s just a great excuse to indulge.


Credit: Getty

Again, the Aztecs are to thank for this one, and though they didn’t know it at the time, science is on their side.

Half of an avocado contains about 10% of our daily recommended vitamin E dosage, and vitamin E has been shown to support fertility in both men and women.

Avocados are also rich in B vitamins, which can aid in energy and vitality.


Credit: Getty

The appearance of figs, (as we established things that look like intimate parts tend to give people the hots) as well as their scent and texture, contribute to this fruit’s reputation as an aphrodisiac.

However, it’s what’s inside these powerhouse foods that counts.

The amino acids in figs support the production of sex hormones necessary for reproduction.


Credit: Getty

The red colour and the heart shape could definitely play a part but of course, we have science to back it up.

This berry contains tonnes of nutrients including vitamin C which is thought of one of the vitamins that support a healthy libido.

For bonus points dip them in chocolate.


Credit: Getty

Though at its core, honey is just sugar and water, it’s also full of compounds that can help to balance your hormones including estrogen and testosterone, which are necessary for a healthy libido.

Even reported that ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used honey to sustain sexual vigour, perhaps due to these properties.

Fatty Fish

Credit: Getty

Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been known to elevate dopamine, the same hormone released in the brain during an orgasm.

It also elevates mood, and more relaxed people are in the mood for sex more often.

It’s just Viagra of the sea.