Just when we thought the burrito couldn’t get any better.
The Yorkshire Pudding is not a traditional Irish food (clearly), but you’d be hard pushed to find an Irish man or woman who doesn’t like them, it’s basically a gravy boat made out of pastry, delightful! So, we were more than intrigued when we discovered that Yorkshire Burrito is a living breathing thing, and now we’re can’t go on without trying one immediately.
Here’s what we know so far:
- You can get these in London.
- Their philosophy is to celebrate the Sunday brunch.
- They have chicken, beef, pork and crackling variations.
- We’re moving to London.
Just discovered the Yorkshire Burrito: beef and gravy wrapped in a yorkshire pudding. This is a food trend I can get on board with.
— Jess Goodfellow (@goodflo) June 22, 2017
A roast dinner in a Yorkshire pudding burrito – what a time to be alive pic.twitter.com/OUYv9MMFMO
— Sophie Stevens (@SophieMStevens) June 15, 2017
I may be about to eat the greatest food that has ever been invented. #streetfood #YorkshireBurrito pic.twitter.com/Sj5N4BVxdO
— Tim Bowers (@Timbow1982) January 6, 2017
Yorkshire pudding burrito. Fuck off with your Anywheres vs Somewheres. pic.twitter.com/OhQGvMthZd
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) May 24, 2017
I basically had a burrito make out of a Yorkshire pud… it was the best ?
— Detective Cthulhu (@DET_Cthulhu) June 11, 2017