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24th May 2018

Nigella Lawson is coming to Dublin and it’s going to be delicious

Olivia Hayes

Oh, yes please.

We all know Nigella Lawson is a cooking goddess. She whips up the most delicious offerings and has been serving us some unreal dishes (on TV) for years now.

So, we were pretty delighted to find out that she is coming to Dublin very soon.

Image result for nigella lawson cooking

She will be coming to the National Concert Hall on 22 October 2018, with tickets going on sale 25 June.

The event description reads: “This autumn, come and celebrate the 20th anniversary of Nigella’s first book, as she talks about her life in food and what she’s cooking right now.

“Charming, witty and entertaining, Nigella will be interviewed by a range of authors, journalists and foodies during her tour, as we get to the heart of what it means to be an award-winning author, TV cook and all-round food enthusiast.”

Image result for nigella lawson cooking

Nigella will talk about all of her cooking through the years, her TV shows, her experiences abroad and everything in between.

We’re kinda hoping she might have a cooking demo for us, or we get to taste a little bit of her grub… but there’s no mention of it so it’s very unlikely. It’ll still be a delicious evening all the same.

One day we’ll taste one of her meals… You can buy tickets for the event here.