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04th Nov 2018

There’s a brilliant Irish road trip happening, and your FAVE influencers are on it

Rebecca O'Keeffe

We’re excited!

Visa has announced #TapIntoIreland 2, a follower-led road trip across Ireland that will see four of Ireland’s top digital influencers and celebrities take part in an action-packed three-day journey across the nation.

After the success of last year’s #TapIntoIreland road trip, the influencers will be visiting an array of Irish shops, restaurants and bars hand-picked by their social media followers and will pay with Visa contactless throughout their trip.

This year’s group, who have over 700,000 social media followers combined, includes Niamh Cullen, Rob Kenny, Lisa Jordan and Irish rowing Olympian Gary O’Donovan.

The four will hit the road together on November 15th for their three-day trip, and we’ve no doubt it’ll be GAS. 


This trip celebrates the increasing number of places that accept contactless payments across Ireland, which continue to grow in popularity thanks to the ease and security of contactless.

The best bit? You guys get to decide where the rip will take them all.

You have until November 15th to recommend your favourite ‘must tap’ locations and hidden gems across the country. 

Then, the group of famous faces will share their tour – and we can’t wait!

Speaking about the campaign, Irish Olympian Gary O’Donovan, said: 

“As a proud Irishman, I cannot wait to experience some of the best of what Ireland has to offer. I’m delighted Visa invited me to explore the country, but this road trip isn’t only a great opportunity for me; it also gives small local businesses across Ireland the opportunity to be promoted across the group’s many thousands of Irish followers too, so I’m hoping they get a real boost from this campaign.”



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Visa is looking forward to tapping for Ireland’s best kept secrets. Pay the safe and easy way with Visa #TapintoIreland

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We’re with you hun!

Niamh Cullen, one of Ireland’s most followed Instagram stars, said: 

“I use my Visa contactless card regularly. From big retailers to local corner shops, more places than ever are welcoming contactless payments across Ireland. It’s never been as safe and easy to pay by card, making life for anyone with a hectic schedule like mine that bit simpler”.

Keep your eyes on social media in the coming weeks!