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26th Jul 2016

The new Lego Batman movie looks bloody hilarious

Looks like a real BLOCK-buster

Ben Kenyon

Whether you’re a big kid, or an actual kid, then this film is probably right up your street.

If you saw the original Lego Movie you’ll know just how funny it was. One of the best bits of the whole damn Lego animation was the Lego Batman, played by Will Arnett. He was funny, narcissistic and way, way over the top.

If you don’t believe us, here’s the original…

But if you thought that creating a whole spin-off Lego Movie for Batman was going to be in any way shite, you’d be so far wrong.

The trailer for the follow-up was released at Comic Con – albeit slightly under the radar with Wonder Woman and Justice League dropping on the same day – but it looks bloody brilliant.

Essentially the storyline is that Batman accidentally adopts some random orphan kid and ends up training him to become Robin (played by Michael Cera). He has to save Gotham City alongside his exuberant sidekick against The Joker, played by the Hangover’s Zack Galifianakis.

Batman gets a bollocking from Alfred for staying up late on his computer and the story of how Robin got his costume really tickled us.

But the best line of the whole trailer is when the super-enthusiastic kid realises ‘Wait a minute. Does Batman live in Bruce Wayne’s basement?’ Batman quips back ‘No Bruce Wayne lives in Batman’s attic’.

There’s loads of pop culture references, witty dialogue between Alfred and Batman and jokes for adults among us, as well as kids.

It certainly looks like it could well live up to the first $468m-grossing Lego Movie from 2014 (which we did not expect to be so good) but you’re going to have to wait until February 2017 to watch it.

When Batman is going ever grittier and darker, this piss take version of the Dark Knight appears to have caught the imagination of people anyway…

