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18th Aug 2017

Seth Rogen has filled everyone in on all the gas Superbad goss

The film turns 10 today.

Jade Hayden

“Here’s McLovin, the 25-year-old Hawaiian organ donor.”

It’s been 10 whole years since Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow and all the other lads gave us one of the only teen-based comedies worth watching – Superbad. 

To mark the film’s tenth anniversary since its release, Rogen took to Twitter to post some previously unknown trivia about the making of the movie.

And, to be honest, they’ll make any subsequent viewings of the film even more enjoyable.

Rogen started off by saying that Superbad turned 10 today and that that would, of course, make McLovin a ripe old age of 35.

He then proceeded to launch into some gas trivia about the movie. He said he didn’t think anyone would care that much but that he was going to go ahead and do it anyway.

Rogen, you were wrong.

Each of the tweets received thousands of favourites and retweets, with some particularly good ones reaching the 50k mark.

Here are some of the best:

And, of course, the iconic:

Rogen finished up his trivia sesh by thanking everyone for digging Superbad.

He also said that he wrote it with his best friend in high school and they still write together.

Which is lovely.