“When I looked into the little one’s eyes.”
Listen, Celebrity Big Brother was a bit all over the place this year, with the whole punchgate drama.
However, before all of that went down, it looked like Married At First Sight star Ben Jermaine and Roxanne Pallett were getting pretty close.
Like, very close.
And now, in the aftermath of it all, Ben has come out to say that there was a connection there, but she is a “lost soul.”
Speaking about the drama, Ben told FUBAR radio: “I think everybody should just get on with it. She’s been punished, bless her, leave her be.”
He continued: “We clicked, I’ll admit that, and there was a connection. When I looked into the little one’s eyes you can see a little bit of a lost soul there.”
He added that he was “completely taken by her.”
Previously, when Ben first left the house, he said of Roxanne: “To be totally honest with you, there is an attraction there. She’s an engaged woman and I don’t want to be that guy.”