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10th Feb 2014

Woman Has Expensive Cheek Surgery To Recreate Cheryl Cole’s Famous Dimples

This is pretty extreme.

Cathy Donohue

Obsessive Cheryl Cole fan Cherelle, has spent £3,000 (€3,607) on having holes punched into her cheeks to recreate the popstar’s famous dimples.

‘I’ve always loved dimples [but] I wasn’t blessed to be given big ones,’ she said, adding that she wants hers ‘to make me look like Cheryl Cole’.

Dimpleplasty surgery isn’t cheap and after seeing what Cherelle underwent in her mission to get a smile akin to that of the Girls Aloud pop princess, it looks pretty painful.

A procedure where holes are punched into the cheeks using a scalpel…need we say any more?!


Cherelle underwent dimpleplasty surgery

‘I was online with my friend and we were basically having a joke as to what procedures you could do and you couldn’t do, and I was like: “wow, I didn’t know you could have your dimples done”,’ adds Cherelle.

‘I gave it a bit of thought, contacted them and here I am.’

She added: ‘I want really deep ones so every time I smile, they’re there and I’m glad it’s for life as well. It’s not something I’m going to have to repeat which is good.’


Cherelle researched the surgery online and decided she wanted to go ahead with the surgery

Trainee lawyer Cherelle appears on Channel 4 documentary Bodyshockers: My Piercing Hell to tell her story and the programme also films her having the procedure.

Speaking after the operation, Cherelle said: ‘I was impressed as I didn’t think they were going to be that deep, it’s mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I know I will love it.’


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