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12th Nov 2012

Peaches Geldof Prepares For A Second Visit From The Stork

New mum Peaches Geldof has announced that she is expecting her second child with her husband Tom Cohen.


Former wild child Peaches Geldof has announced that she and her husband Tom Cohen are expecting their second child together.

The couple welcomed the adorably chubby Astala into the world six months ago and the new mum revealed that falling pregnant so quickly came as quite a shock.

Peaches is three and a half months pregnant with a little baby boy and revealed all to Hello! magazine.

Peaches’ pregnancy came as a surprise to the couple

“I did have a momentary panic and go, ‘Oh my God, we’re going to have a one-year-old and a one-month-old! How will we cope?

“Tom was so supportive and relaxed, it banished my doubts and I started imagining the two boys growing up together as the best of friends. There are massive benefits to having two children so close together,” she said.

The couple have already picked out a name for their little one, Pheadra, after they were inspired by an ancient Greek play.
Peaches revealed that she took a pregnancy test when she began to have a crazing for sour sweets as she did throughout her first pregnancy.

Baby Astala pictured with his Mummy at the weekend

However, the daughter of rock legend Bob Geldof said that she won’t be adding to her family for a while after welcoming her new tot.

“I don’t think I’ll be adding to our little brood until later on in my life when I’m older and don’t have two toddlers running around demanding all of Tom’s and my attention. 

“I may be only 23 and the only one of our friends who’s married, got a baby on the way and is on the verge of moving to Surrey, but it’s a life I always dreamed of and I couldn’t be happier,” she said.

Astala chills with his dad Tom Cohen genuinely thinks Astala is the most gorgeous celebrity baby in London town (just look at those cheeks) and we’re sure Granddad Bob will be on hand to help with the nappy changing.


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