Holly Hagan has opened up about being sexually assaulted during her early days on Geordie Shore.
Appearing on BBC Radio 1’s The Reality Tea Podcast, Holly said:
“Being in the clubs again opened me up to a lot of trolling in person and a lot of kind of sexual harassment.”
“I would go to club appearances and people would think because I’ve been this person on TV that they had the god given right to just turn around and grab my boob or try and put their hand up my skirt.”
“It was honestly probably one of the most scariest times of my life.”
How horrific for her.
Holly Hagan also opened up about the other sort of abuse, which included people shouting at her on the street.
Holly added: “My friends have had food thrown in their faces on nights out because they’re with me.”
“And that’s why I just stopped going out, I stopped going anywhere.”
Holly explained: “I don’t remember there being any kind of support really… I personally would have felt like if I kind of reached out for help, I could have potentially been putting my job at jeopardy.”
“Because I didn’t know if they thought that I had anxiety and the show was causing me depression or whatever, that they might take that job away from me.”
“You don’t know that that’s not gonna happen because there’s not that open conversation about it and you’re sat there with a job that you need the money for and you’ve left your other call centre job and you can’t go back.”