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11th Dec 2013

Christmas Traditions, Hollywood Heartthrobs & Disney Princesses… meets MKS

We probably enjoyed interviewing the three ladies a little too much… These girls are the craic!


The original Sugababes are back where they belong. Under a new name, MKS, and with new material, Mutya, Keisha and Siobhan reunited in early 2011 and fans couldn’t be any happier.  

The girls are loving Dublin and looking forward to one more Irish appearance before they celebrate the last few hours of 2013 at the big Three NYE Dublin Countdown Concert in the capital city.

We caught up with the three to chat about everything from new music to Christmas traditions, Hollywood heartthrobs to Disney princesses.

It’s safe to say we here in the Towers really want to become BFFs with these three gals, they were just too lovely.


Between Facebook messages and dinner, phone calls and emails the ladies made the brave brave decision to reform…

Was it something the three of you had always secretly wanted and hoped for?

K – I never thought  in a million years, we always looked at that chapter in our lives as our what-ifs.

S- A couple of things had to come together for it to work, Keisha was still in the band until 2009 and even if that all came together, would we all want to be a part of it.

Was  it strange to see the Sugababes still together and performing without any original members?

M- Weird to see it, but I didn’t really think about it.

S – When people were replaced that was fine, but when there was no original members in the band, I didn’t really relate to it at all. It was weird, definitely, but a great story to tell I suppose.

The Sugababes have broken up meaning the band name is available, was there ever any chance of you girls using it again?

S – We did at the beginning but we wanted a fresh start. It was important at the beginning to just say it was just the three of us and using our three names just made a stance.

Was it a conscious decision to wait until the New Year to release your new album?

M – All we can do as artists is provide the music, and the label make the decision to say this is when its coming out. I mean for us we’d have loved to have had our music out in 2012 but there’s a lot of complicated things that happen.

What can we expect from the new album?

S – Lots of different genres from pop, to indie, to RnB. Our voices all blend it together making it work well.

Is there a stand-out record on the album that you know the fans will love?

S –Yea, there’s a couple, but I know we’ll all say different things.

K – I still love flatline, even performing it. It’s written by us and co-produced by us. We went away and we were allowed to be creative, the great thing thing is it’s not like anything on the album. That is the proudest moment for me.

How did it feel performing for the fans as a trio again for the first time?

M – That was exciting.

S – It was mental. Fans pulled monitors off the stage.

K – We were really nervous at the start but I think that was the first sort of showing that people were excited about. People say it but you don’t realise.

Are you bringing anyone to join in the New Year celebrations here in Ireland?

S – We’ll have everyone with us for New Years. I love leaving London for New Year’s Eve.

M –As long as your families with you, we love performing.

Have you any family Christmas traditions?

M – Old movies.

S – It’s not Christmas for me without Winter Wonderland. All three of us are obsessed. I love the run up to Christmas, I don’t care when it starts, even in November I’m happy.

M – It comes earlier and earlier every year.

If you had to cover one Christmas song together what would it be?

K – Elvis

S – We were actually talking about this the other day. It would Elvis’ ‘Lonely This Christmas’, we do a lovely version of it actually.

Fire Questions: 

Do you have a favourite Disney Princess? (This was our favourite part of any interview we’ve done with anyone to date).

S – This is a question for Mutya and Keisha.

M – Jasmine, Cinderella, I love all of them. Snow White, she’s a Princess in her own right.

K – Do you remember when you girls took a photo of me and I looked exactly like Princess Fiona? I don’t know what happened… I had on a blouse and there was a  green tint and I looked exactly like her.

We received a phone call after the interview to say that Siobhan had decided on her Princess, very aptly she went with Merida from Brave. Amazing choice!

Most Embarrassing Moment?

K – We did a corporate meeting a few years ago, I walked in and there was about 9 or 10 business men in suits. I was really chuffed with myself because I thought I spoke well and on the way out, something happened between me and the floor, and I slipped in slow motion grabbing the wall and everything. I got back up and slipped again. Walked round the corner and slipped again.

M – Wrong shoes, so embarrassing.

If you had to pick one Hollywood heartthrob who would it be?

Quickest to answer was Siobhan  – I already know mine and he’s Irish, Cillian Murphy. He’s a beautiful man.

Keisha and Mutya were not so sure whether they approved after googling him.

We have to say, we probably enjoyed interviewing the three ladies a little too much… We’re looking forward to ringing in the New Year with them already!

The girls will be joined by some home grown talent Ryan Sheridan, The Strypes and Seo Linn, it’s the only place to bring in 2014.

For more info and tickets visit