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12th Oct 2012

I’ll Be Hair For You: Jen to Launch Hair Care Range

Finally, we will have hair like Jennifer Aniston! The 'Friends' star has put her name and money to a hair care company.

Rebecca McKnight

She starred in one of the most popular television series of the 90s. In fact it was probably one of the most popular television series ever. But it wasn’t just her acting that people noticed, it was her hair.

Everybody wanted Jennifer Aniston’s hair style back in the day. When she got the ‘Rachel,’ it’s all people asked for in salons. Then when she announced that she used horse shampoo, everyone went out and bought horse shampoo… or maybe that was just us!

The most famous haircut of all – back in her ‘Friends’ heyday, ‘The Rachel’ was a sensation

But now the 43-year-old star is launching her own hair care range. The newly-engaged actress has not only signed on as the face of new company Living Proof but she has also invested in it. Her role will also involve coming up with ideas for products.

Speaking about her hair history in a statement, Jennifer said: “I’ve tried so many hair care products… My hair has taken a serious beating. After using these products, I felt like I finally discovered a solution that works every day. I could not be more excited to share Living Proof with the world.”

And while it’s not the first time she has been approached about this sort of venture, it is the first time she has signed on the dotted line and put her own money into it: “I have been approached many, many times about this kind of deal.

Because She’s Worth It – Jennifer also fronted a campaign for L’Oreal

“You want to be part of something exciting and authentic. You can’t get more interesting than these scientists,” she explained to the Wall Street Journal.

We don’t know about you but we can’t wait until it hits the shelves!


Hair Affairs