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11th Feb 2017

Comedian Jeff Jefferies destroys Piers Morgan in Trump debate, before telling him to ‘f*ck off’

Hahaha! The look on Piers Morgan's face!

Nooruddean Choudry

You don’t mess with Jim Jefferies.

The Australian standup is famed for his acerbic brand of humour, and for destroying wannabe hecklers with his sharp wit and passionate delivery. Piers Morgan may be used to bullying people on this side of the Atlantic, but he stood no chance here.

The pair were both guests on Real Time with Bill Maher and it was the host’s contention that any talk of Donald Trump being the lesser of two evils when compared to Hillary Clinton had been well and truly quashed by the President’s actions.

Morgan, as the tangerine POTUS’ cheerleader-in-chief, obviously disagreed and asked why, to which he was presented with a list of reasons, including the ‘Muslim ban’, or executive order on seven predominantly Muslim countries.

The disgraced former newspaper editor claimed it wasn’t a Muslim ban at all – which is when things got heated. Jefferies responded thus:

“Oh, fuck off. It’s a fucking Muslim ban,. He said there was a Muslim ban. It’s a Muslim ban.”

This comes after a fifth Canadian Muslim – with no links to the seven Muslim countries in question – was banned from entering the US.

When Morgan claimed Jefferies was being hysterical, the comedian had the following retort:

“This is what you do, Piers. You say, ‘He hasn’t done this, he hasn’t done that, he’s not going to do all these things.’ Give him a fucking chance, mate. Hitler didn’t kill the Jews on the first day, he worked up to it, mate.”

The Brit then had the temerity to claim that the standup was “losing his audience”. But Jefferies simply turned around and asked them, to which there was a huge “NO!”

The highlight was when Jefferies summed up Morgan in one sentence: “You just like that you won the Apprentice and you have a famous friend.” Ouch.