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06th May 2020

Personality Quiz: Which Twilight character are you?

Anna Daly

We are SO excited for the new book release.

Our 15-year-old selves just about died last weekend when we found out that Stephanie Meyer would be releasing her long-awaited book Midnight Sun.

Anyone out there who was a major fan of the Twilight series may remember the excitement upon hearing about Midnight Sun and then the heartbreak when the Twilight author said that she would never be releasing the book.

Well, our teenage selves are extremely happy that she changed her mind. We may be over our romantic vampires stage now but we will still most certainly be picking it up for a nostalgic reading marathon.

In celebration of the wonderful piece of news, we decided to create a little personality quiz for you all to find out how your Twilight counterpart is. Now, when you dive back into the world, you’ll know who to root for.

Share the quiz to show your results !

Just tell us who you are to view your results !

Which Twilight character are you? I'm %%personality%%