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09th Jul 2017

Sorry, celiacs: the Vatican has banned gluten-free communion bread

The church has sent a letter to bishops confirming the decision.

Orlaith Condon

The Vatican says genetically modified bread can be used but won’t be entirely gluten-free.

The church has ruled that low-gluten bread is allowed but the unleavened bread used for holy communion must contain enough protein to make it without the use of additives.

A letter was issued last month in which Cardinal Robert Sarah of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship said guidance was needed in the area as many can now buy the bread on the internet.

The Cardinal reminded bishops that the bread should be made by people “distinguished by their integrity” and that adding fruit or sugar to the wine was a “grave abuse”.

“It is altogether forbidden to use wine of doubtful authenticity or provenance,” he added.

However, he did make exceptions for those who an intolerant to wine, and said the use of mustum is considered a “valid matter” for the sacrament.

Well, glad we got that all cleared up.