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14th Jun 2024

Minister announces six figure funding boost for women in Politics

Sophie Collins

Women in politics

The Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Alan Dillon revealed a funding allocation of €182,200 to Women For Election today.

This national, non-profit organisation is dedicated to achieving equal representation of women in Irish politics. 

The group’s mission centres around supporting women who want to enter into the political arena while also raising awareness to dismantle systemic barriers faced by women in the field.

Minister Alan Dillon highlighted the longstanding collaboration between his department and Women For Election, and said: “My Department has worked hand in hand with Women for Election for several years towards a shared vision of more balanced representation at local government level. 

“This year saw a record number of female candidates run for election, and I am delighted my Department can continue to contribute to progress in this area.”

The local elections on June 7th marked a significant step forward for women’s representation in Irish local government. 

A record 681 female candidates contested the election, making up 31% of the total candidates. 

As well as this, there has been a nearly doubling in candidates from migrant backgrounds since 2019, enriching the diversity within council chambers.

Minister Dillon praised the efforts of Women For Election, and said: “Women for Election support potential female candidates through training, capacity-building events, and mentoring supports, and have helped substantial numbers of women become involved in politics at both national and local levels. 

“In this year’s Local Elections, we saw a further increase in women candidates elected, but there is still a way to go before we see balanced gender representation. 

“I firmly believe that the work of organisations like Women for Election is instrumental in continuing to build on the momentum gained by women candidates this year.”

The announcement of funding is part of a broader initiative by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to enhance the representation of women and diverse individuals in Irish local government. 

The department also supports funding schemes aimed at political parties and local authorities and backs local and regional women’s causes.

Minister Dillon then spoke of the importance of ongoing support for women entering politics, especially in light of the recent election results. 

He said: “In light of the results of the Local Elections last week, it is more important than ever to offer support to women who are interested in entering politics. 

“Through our work with organisations like Women for Election, who will continue to work with both non-elected candidates and newly elected female councillors, we hope to see true equality of representation in our local council chambers in the not-too-distant future.”


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