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17th Jun 2024

Jogger rushed to hospital after dog attack in Donegal

Simon Kelly

The dog is believed to be on the restricted list.

A man in his 20s has been rushed to hospital in County Donegal following a dog attack while he was out for a run.

The jogger was attacked by the dog, believed to be a Rottweiler, on the greenway between the villages of Muff and Quigley’s Point on the Inishowen Peninsula.

The incident occurred at around midday on Sunday, June 16.

The dog, which was unmuzzled, managed to break free from his owner, chasing the man down the road and biting him multiple times on the leg.

Jogger rushed to hospital after dog attack in Donegal

Following the attack, the man was rushed to Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry where he underwent emergency treatment.

It is believed that the dog involved in the attack has been identified by Gardai, who have now launched an investigation.

Local County Councillor Terry Crossan said he is horrified by the attack, telling the Irish Mirror: “I want to pay particular praise to the Gardai in dealing with this situation and taking control of it once they realised the seriousness of this incident.

“This man was lucky to escape even though his injuries are very serious.

“If this was a child the consequences could have been much worse and it’s not even worth considering that,” he added.

The attack comes just two weeks after 23-year-old Nicole Morey was killed in a dog attack in Limerick.

Ms Morey was tragically killed following an attack by her restricted breed dog, which happened in the garden of her home in Ballyneety on Tuesday, June 4.

Following the attack, Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys said she is “absolutely appalled by the news”.

The minister, who recently set up a cross Governmental stakeholder group on dog control, reiterated her plans to take “whatever action is necessary to strengthen our dog control laws.”

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