Undercover journalism?
Undercover journalism is a staple in the media industry. However, a recent story from Denmark brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, which shall henceforth be referred to as under the cover journalism.
Imagine you are driving to work in Denmark, hoping to set the mood with some motivational tunes. However, the sounds coming from the radio are not that of pop stars but instead sex noises. Twenty-six-year-old journalist Louise Fischer attended a sex club in hopes of adding some first-person experience to her radio piece.

In March, and to mark the relaxation of restrictions in Denmark, Fischer attended a popular swingers club in Copenhagen. She was set to interview a collection of swingers about their experiences.
She spent a few hours socialising with the guests, drinking wine before moving to a large bed. The interview subjects were nervous about being interviewed at first, so Fischer did what any journalist would do in that situation – she had sex with them.
“For me, it’s very natural. It is part of my job to give an insight into a world that not everyone has access to,” says Fischer to German newspaper Bild.
Some would claim she crossed the line, breaking professional boundaries. However, she successfully brought an utterly original piece of journalism to the world.
Denmark’s Channel 4 Radio shared the post on Twitter, alongside the caption: “Warning: It got hot and wet for both our reporter and the guests.”
This may be the understatement of the year.
Radio4 var med, da swingerklubberne igen måtte åbne.
Advarsel: Det blev hedt og vådt for både vores reporter og gæsterne.
Hør hele reportagen her:https://t.co/B4bFtpThNe #dkmedier #radio4dk pic.twitter.com/RskBTQITYO
— Radio4 (@radio4dk) May 27, 2021
“The men in this club are very polite and very considerate. I felt like a goddess. They make you feel very special.”
“Yes, I enjoyed it, even though it wasn’t the best sex of my life,” she said. Since her “great experience”, she has also pondered on the idea of “maybe” doing it again.
Louise has since told the Copenhagen post that the response has been largely positive. With people calling her ‘brave’ and referring to the piece as ‘great journalism’.
No doubt, after Fischer’s explosive interview, many people might think about entering into swinging communities. Whether you agree with her methods or not, she acquired a brilliantly unique piece of journalism and had fun doing it.