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13th May 2024

Appeal launched to support mum and daughter who lost family in Gaza

Kat O'Connor

The public has been urged to help this family from Gaza

A public fundraiser has been launched for a mum and her child who have arrived in Ireland after fleeing Gaza.

A teacher has set up the fundraiser to support seven-year-old Chahd and her mother Halla.

They arrived in Dublin in the February of this year but suffered a catastrophic loss before leaving Palestine.

According to Sarah, who is teaching Chahd, the young girl lost her father Mohammed, and five-year-old sister Rahaf on November 12th.

They were taking their final journey from the North of Gaza down to the South of Gaza when they were killed.

Sarah shared, “Halla, Mohammed, Chahd & Rahaf were driving in their car when a sniper shot both Mohammed & Rahaf. Mohammed died instantly, but Rahaf bled out for two hours in her mother’s arms. Chahd, at the age of six, watched her sister die in front of her eyes. Nobody could help them- The IDF blocked the ambulance.”

We cannot begin to imagine the heartache and horror the family faced, but what we can do is support them as they try to rebuild their lives in Ireland.

“None of us could ever imagine the trauma Halla & Chahd are going through. None of us have direct power to stop this genocide. However, we do have the power the provide financial support for both of them here in Ireland,” Sarah shared.

Sarah explained that the mother and daughter have secured accommodation for one year in Ireland.

However, they will need to find their own after one year, but they’re prepared to go to another part of Ireland where the cost of living is much cheaper.

Halla hopes to work again in her field, NGO-related, once they settle in Ireland.

The public has been asked to help raise vital funds for the mother and daughter

“Halla, a highly educated professional individual, aspires to work again in her field, NGO-related work. Bearing all of the above details in mind, I am asking you to please help raise financial funds for Halla & Chahd. Any money raised will be used for accommodation purposes only.

“Halla is still doing part-time work online through her previous role in Gaza, but considering the ongoing efforts to destroy Gaza, most likely Halla’s job will terminate very soon,” Sarah explained.

All funds raised will be used to help them find a home in Ireland.

You can donate here.

