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17th Nov 2017

The most popular day for marriage proposals is fast approaching

Get ready for some announcements.

Laura Holland

The most popular day for marriage proposals is just over a month away… apparently.

It’s somewhat of tradition for men or women to get down on one knee at Christmas time to propose to their significant other. It’s a very special time of year and as a lot of couples choose the summer months to wed, it’s a good time to kick start the planning.

But of all the days around Christmas time, wedding experts from have highlighted one day in particular as the most popular day for proposals.

According to Harpers Bazaar, that day is Saturday, December 23rd. Furthermore, they’re estimating that 100,000 proposals will happen over the festive period.

A spokesperson for the brand said, “Historically the Christmas weekend has always been a popular time for people looking to pop the question to choose. Last year almost 20 percent of all proposals that year took place in the month of December, and the Christmas week was when the highest number took place.”

They added, “This year Christmas Day falls on a Monday, and so we expect to see a similar pattern with a large fraction of engagements on Saturday 23rd December and Sunday 24th December. The most popular day, based on our analysis of 100,000 brides currently planning their weddings with us, will be Saturday 23rd December.”

We’ll just have to wait and see.

But remember… a wife is for life, not just for Christmas.

