With the last Bank Holiday weekend of the summer now behind us, the Back to School countdown is officially on. While students might look upon this time of year with dread, the memories are a lot of fun to look back on.
Customers of Irish book retailers Easons have been taking a trip down memory lane during recent days, voting on the top ten signs that it’s back to school time.
According to Easons fans you know it’s Back to School time when your mum:
1) Has the wallpaper waiting in the corner to cover your new school books
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2) Re-instates a normal bedtime
3) Goes on a stationery shopping spree
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4) Sews name labels onto all new school related belonging
5) Leave the pile of new school books on the kitchen table
6) Picks up (and hides) shiny new shoes from Clarks
7) Uses Wonderweb on the ‘two sizes too big’ uniform she has bought you
8) Sits the camera on the fireplace in preparation for the first day back photo
9) Hugs you for that little bit longer
10) Stocks the fridge with Billy Roll, juice cartons and Penguin bars
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