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19th Feb 2016

VIDEO – A Brazilian Monkey Got Drunk And Chased Customers With A Knife

We've all had bad nights

Ellen Tannam

A Capuchin monkey got into a spot of trouble recently in a bar in Paraiba, Brazil.

The monkey entered the bar and proceeded to drink cachaça (a spirit popular in Brazil) from customer’s glasses around the premises.

In a very extreme move, the monkey then grabbed a foot-long knife from the bar and proceeded to wield it at customers. Apparently, the monkey chased the men around the premises, but kindly left the female patrons to drink in relative peace, according to The Guardian. What a gentleman.

The Fire Department Lt Col Saul Laurentino told aRede that the incident was a massive oversight by bar staff that ‘ended with the monkey drinking some rum and taking the knife.’

The video below shows the monkey waving the knife around on the roof of the bar.

The lil guy was then captured by the fire department because he was ‘causing problems and threatening children’ nearby.

This is the definition of a bad night, hopefully a couple of Solpadeines and a blue Powerade will sort the poor fella out.

Clip and Lead Image via YouTube