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08th Jun 2016

We predict trouble for this fella when his wife-to-be sees this Facebook status


Cathy Donohue


The Euro 2016 championships are fast approaching, June 10th to be precise, and there are a fair few supporters making their way to France in anticipation of the much-awaited games.

The below Facebook status came to our attention and it seems one fan is in a bit of a quandary for the upcoming Bordeaux game on June 18th.

He got tickets for the game which he wasn’t expecting but the problem is he’s getting married that day.

His friend took to Facebook to share the below status and we have a funny feeling his wife-to-be won’t be too delighted with this.

Needless to say, the post has gone viral with a considerable amount of shares.

Let’s hope he makes the right decision…

facebook status

Image via iStock/Ireland Soccer