I can’t imagine too many teachers having the same feelings.
As a university student, I can testify to missing classes when I know they’re not mandatory for attendance.
After missing the class I feel really guilty and bad for the lecturer but at the heart of me, laziness gets the better of me most of the time.
Not thinking the teacher or lecturer would care if he or she had to lecture to a nearly empty room, I never gave my tutors a second thought but after the tweets of one lecturer in a university in Florida, I think I’ll be changing my ways pretty soon.
Adam Heath Avitable was due to teach a class in university but was left to experience all the motions when not one person turned up.
Classwatch 2017. Class started 30 mins ago. No students yet. I thought one was coming but it was just an administrator. Who laughed at me.
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
Five more minutes have passed. I'm starting to doubt myself. Did I tell them no class? Is today Thursday? Am I dreaming? #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
It's so quiet. Every time I hear a door open, I sit up and smile. But when nobody enters my classroom, I die on the inside. #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
As time goes by with no students to teach, Adam suspects a number of different things for no people turning up.
Class started 45 mins ago. Still no students. I get paranoid. Is the door to the classroom locked?
I check it.
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
Is everyone else in the world dead? Was there a sudden zombie attack and I survived, alone in my classroom? #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
I swear to all that's holy, if no students have shown up by the time it hits the hour mark, I'm calling it a day. #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
He resorts to desperate measures to pass the time…
A bird lands outside my window. I invite him in to learn about algebra. He declines and flies away. I hope a cat eats him. #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
I check my email to see if I missed something. I have no emails at all. This is weird. Did I die? Am I dead? Is this hell? #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
My sign-in sheet is as empty as my soul right now. I have to eat this candy alone. #Classwatch2017 pic.twitter.com/loUV8pX5Q5
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
Adam then becomes hopeful, sensing people coming into class FINALLY, but alas…
Maybe I should just start lecturing. Students will hear talking and come in. That woudn't be crazy, right? RIGHT?! #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
I hear voices outside. I go to the window, hope in my heart. It's just some kids on their bikes, having fun. 1/2 #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
"Why aren't you in school? Your teacher needs you!" I yell through the closed window and give them the finger. 2/2 #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
Eventually, students turn up, but it’s not the fairytale reunion Adam had hoped for…
Two students just walked in. Remorseless, no apology, no explanation. I hope they don't think they're getting any candy. #Classwatch2017
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017
Both students ask to use the computer today. I sigh and say okay. I don't even need to be here. End. #Classwatch2017 pic.twitter.com/FKEaTDaxuU
— Adam Heath Avitable (@avitable) January 19, 2017