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28th Dec 2023

How to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions

Anna Martin

new year's resolution

New Year, new me

We all say it but how many of us actually stick to those promises we make ourselves in the run-up to that big countdown?

If we’re being completely honest with ourselves, it’s not many. This is not to shame anyone, it’s just a very common situation.

When you think about it, why is this resolution that we make on this particular day more important than any other?

There are ways to make sure you’re more successful this year but just remember, it’s not the be-all and end-all, there’s always next year.

Do it for you

new year's resolution
Credit: Getty

The very first thing to do is figure out what you actually want to do. Whether it’s reading more, going to the gym more often or taking up journaling, it should be something you want to do. 

For instance, don’t commit to reading one book a week if reading isn’t actually your thing, because you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Have a plan

For example, if you want to tackle a minimarathon, you’re not going to be able to run 21km straight away.

Instead, set smaller goals like going for short runs and building things up from there you are more likely to stick to your goal.

Plus, actually witnessing the progress you make is rewarding, instead of feeling defeated that you can’t tackle the whole thing right off the bat.

Go easy on yourself

new year's resolution
Credit: Getty

Overhauling your life is a massive challenge and if you aim to change everything straight away you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed and quitting.

Break things down into small segments, if you slip, get back up and try again and remember everything you put your mind to is doable.