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03rd Oct 2016

Here’s how deodorant may be damaging your body

So now you know...

Rebecca Keane

Many people swear they’d never leave the house without deodorant.

Whether it’s warm or cold weather, it’s easy to get sweaty after a brisk walk to work or down to the shops on your lunch break.

Apparently, some of us are much sweatier than others  and it’s not necessarily our fault, meanwhile others swear against aerosol deodorant in favour of natural deodorant instead.

Lemon juice has been named as one of the most popular things in the past as having deodorising effects which truthfully, I still have yet to try out.

It seems that natural forms of deodorant may be more beneficial to your health as D News has found that traditional aerosol and roll-on deodorants are harmful to your body.

The brands of deodorant we all know and love work by masking the smell of sweat by blocking our pores to stop sweat emerging from the skin but also preventing bacteria on the skin from reaching sweat which releases the smell we know as body odour.

The deodorants we use on our skin preventing bacteria from meeting sweat could reportedly change up the number of ‘microbium’ (that’s good bacteria in normal people language) that naturally live on our skin and keep us healthy from bad bacteria. So while you’re to mask the smell of sweat on your body, you could be reducing

So while you’re trying mask the smell of sweat on your body, you could be reducing the amount of good bacteria on your body thus allowing yourself more prone to sickness.

Sweat or good bacteria? You decide.