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29th May 2018

Cockroach milk is now a ‘superfood’ and absolutely no hope in Hell

Nope. No.

Olivia Hayes

No hope in Hell. Not even if you paid me.

Cockroach milk is now being considered as a new ‘superfood’ and we just absolutely cannot get past this one.

We’ve dealt with all the healthy food trends – and will admit that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with (most of) them – but is cockroach milk a step too far? Maybe. Or maybe I’m just being dramatic.

Image result for bleh gif

According to researchers at the Institute for Stem Cell Biology in India, cockroach milk – or post-natal fluid as some refer to it – is secreted from the critter in the form of crystals.

“The crystals are like a complete food – they have proteins, fats and sugars. If you look into the protein sequences, they have all the essential amino acids,” main researcher Sanchari Banerjee explained to the Time of India.

The dairy-free alternative is said to be rich in protein, as well as iron, zinc and calcium.

Apparently, it tastes like cow’s milk, however it doesn’t seem to be a viable option.

It would take an absolute army of critters to produce one glass, and the cockroaches also die in the extraction process, making it “neither feasible or efficient”.

Would you try it? Or leave the poor critters alone?

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