What can we do?
Today is Earth Day, a day that celebrates the modern environmental movement and inspires us to focus on our planet and the need for conservation. The trouble is, there’s an overwhelming amount of information out there, and sometimes it can be hard to sift through everything and figure out what we can actually do to effect positive change.
We’ve compiled a list of 10 simple ways to make a difference this Earth Day. Even the smallest change can have a lasting impact on our environment, so let’s get to work.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle – An oldie but a goodie. Cut down on what you throw away, compartmentalise your rubbish and feel better about where your waste is going.
Volunteer – Volunteer for cleanups in your community. These can be beach cleans or general litter collections. These types of events are happening in communities across the country and a simple Google will connect you to like-minded people nearby.
Educate yourself – Watch a documentary on what’s happening with our planet. We recommend anything by the legend that is Sir David Attenborough, his latest documentary has just landed on Netflix but many of his classics come highly recommended. Seaspiracy and Cowspiracy will also have you thinking twice about the food you consume.
Conserve water – You’re clean enough, get out of the bloody shower. Jokes aside, being responsible with your water usage is crucial to the environment. Every individual depends on water for their livelihood, we need to do all we can to keep our supply pure and away from pollution. Find out more about water conservation here.
Choose sustainable – This goes across a large variety of products but it can be as simple as switching to a sustainable deodorant. I recently started using Wild deodorant and I feel positively free not having to purchase aerosol cans on a regular basis.
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Be energy efficient – Switching to long-lasting light bulbs and making sure you switch off the lights is what we’re on about here. It’s a simple switch and by using energy-efficient light bulbs you’re helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A winner all around.
Plant a tree – How simple does that sound? If you don’t have a garden, find a relative that does and simply plant something. If not for you, do it for future generations. Find out more information on planting trees here.
Leave the car at home – Try to bike today instead of getting into your car. It seems like a small gesture, but all the little gestures add up.
Think before you shop – Again, I know this sounds broad, but little things like bringing reusable shopping bags, buying fewer products in plastic containers, and genuinely asking yourself, “Do I really need this?” will be transformative for you and the environment.
Get outside – The final thing we want to encourage people to do is to step away from their devices and get outside* today. It’s easy to talk about being green and we’re all doing the best we can, but if we don’t stop to literally smell the roses, what’s it all for?
Happy Earth Day.
*We’re aware we told you to watch Netflix at an earlier point… it’s all about balance.