Shonda Rhimes is a TV behemoth who is behind Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away with Murder and her shows air in over 250 countries worldwide.
She’s one of the most accomplished women in the world, and she’s just delivered a spectacular TED on the importance of hard work. ‘”When I am hard at work, when I am deep in it, there is no other feeling,” she says. She has a name for this feeling: The hum. The hum is a drug, the hum is music.”
She told the audience of what happened when she ‘lost the hum’, and her passion for her job. ‘Inside me was silence.’, but how saying ‘yes’ to everything has made the hum come back. From saying yes to playing with her children, she learned that the real home is ‘confidence and peace, and love.’
‘Anytime my child asks me to play, I will say ‘yes.’
This is absolutely BRILLIANT and you can watch below.