We miss it so much.
Since the final season of the best TV show ever created aired, there’s been rumours that a Schitt’s Creek film is in the works. Since no official confirmation has come from the show’s creators, we’re jumping on any indication of a character comeback we can… including spin-offs.
It’s safe to say that spin-offs can be a tricky medium (let’s not talk about Joey), but the possibility of a show centred around Stevie Budd is too exciting to ignore. When asked during a ‘virtual hang‘ if she’d like to see a show like that made, Emily Hampshire, who played Stevie in all six seasons, was quick to fuel the possibilities; “I would be down for all of that.”
When asked about a return to set, Emily admitted it would be an absolute pleasure as the cast genuinely got along, “The strange thing is, is that we actually all like each other. Usually when you’re on a show, you don’t want to spend a day with your entire cast and we did. We loved it.”
The award-winning Canadian sitcom, written by Dan and Eugene Levy, first aired in 2015 and although it centres on the Rose family as they’re thrust into poverty, the Rosebud Motel’s Stevie Budd is, in our humble opinion, one of the standout characters of the entire show.
Stevie is the down to earth, relatable character that is so crucial to the Schitt’s Creek format. The Rose family are untouchable, wealthy beyond belief, and without Stevie’s dry wit and nonchalant behaviour, the show would lack a grounding that the fans depend on. As the character develops beyond the motel reception, the relationships that Stevie embarks upon, particularly with Johnny and David Rose, are a sight to behold.
Stevie didn’t need a romantic partner to be well-rounded and defined and the realm of possibilities of where Stevie ends up are endless. Fans have been pleading to find out more since the show ended and when quizzed if anything was already in the works – be it a reunion or another series – Emily kept tight-lipped saying, “I cannot share any details… because I want to do it!” she joked. “I would be fired. I wouldn’t be asked back.”
We’re taking that as a glimmer of hope.