There’s…something in our eye.
As an adult, you sometimes forget what mattered – and quite how much it mattered – when you were a little kid. Life at a tender age has its own form of trouble and heartache. It may seem trivial now, but at the time it was everything.
Part of the success of the Toy Story films is that they remind us of what it was like to be child again. When you made up imaginary worlds, and your favourite toys were your constant companions. And then, eventually, you let go.
But is it the same for the kids of today? With all the technology and distractions of modern living, do they really care as much as we did. Judging from the junior Goggleboxers on Saturday’s airing, the answer is most definitely yes.
The producers of Gogglesprogs decided to show their pint-size pundits the last part of the Toy Story trilogy, and the very final scene in particular. You know the one – when a 17-year-old Andy has to finally say goodbye to his beloved Woody.
Animation or not, it’s a deeply affecting scene, and it clearly moved the child channel-surfers. Ashton from Neath in Wales in particular was moved to tears. Bless…
— Pogchester United (@SarcyFringehead) December 25, 2016