The follow up to thank u, next has arrived.
When thank u, next first dropped the world went crazy. Whether you were a fan of Ariana or not, we all listened, we all dissected the lyrics, and we all got comfort out of the break up song that wasn’t a f*ck you.
Then the music video for the single came out – and it’s fair to say that everyone lost it. It was the music video of all music videos where she included her past co-stars and friends to act out some of the most popular 00’s teen movies the world had to offer.
Brilliance. After the year that Ariana had, it’s fair to day she knocked it out of the park.
And now we have a new song. Imagine.
The song is quiet dreamy and features lyrics about an easy, conflict-free romance that never ends.
And of course, Twitter had a lot to say about it:
Ariana just keeps winning and the haters are mad ? #Imagine
— Mellie (@arianaplushfan) December 14, 2018
Obsessed with Ariana’s new song ❤️ #imagine
— ash. ? (@AshleyExo) December 14, 2018
song review:imagine
-beat is soooooooo goooooooodd
-LYRICS come thruuuuuuu
-vocals on pointtttt(that whistle note killed me jdjsjsjs)
-wanted to cry and twerk at the same time we-
-ariana grande is a main pop girl now— 想像?/fb sisters (@cummingariana) December 14, 2018
— BROOKLIN (@BROOKLINTF) December 14, 2018
As expected, #imagine will be blasting all week. Thanks for another bop Ariana
— Mandy-Always-Knows (@mandybelle21) December 14, 2018
i don’t even listen to ariana grande but imagine is like a really good song
— ashley teller (@asshleyteller) December 14, 2018
You can listen to the song here: