They’ll set you free, etc…
Electric Picnic is almost upon us.
The very sold out Stradbally extravaganza takes place next weekend, and though the early weather forecast is a tad concerning, we’re nonetheless very hyped indeed.
Bigger than ever, Picnic really does boast something for everyone, and if you’re the kind of person who likes their tunes laced with nostalgia and emotion, the Electric Ireland Throwback Stage is likely to lure you in.
As previously announced, Bonnie Tyler and Mr Motivator are two of the main draws this year, while the likes of Lords of Strut, Spring Break and Smash Hits are also on board.
And now we know who that final headliner proper is; none other than enduring UK electronica outfit N-Trance.
On the go since the turn of the ’90s, N-Trance are of course best known for the absolute belter that is ‘Set You Free’, which we’ve all heard at one stage, be it in a club, in the back of a taxi or on a ‘Guilty Pleasures’ Spotify playlist.
Clip via Studio Mágico Music
Lovely stuff, and guaranteed to get a reaction when N-Trance close out the Throwback Stage on Sunday at 8.30pm.
Featured image via N-Trance