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02nd Jan 2024

Sarah Jessica Parker celebrates the New Year with strange Irish tradition

Anna Martin

Sarah Jessica Parker has vowed to follow an Irish tradition this year

While the Sex And The City actress is known for her love of the Emerald Isle – even having a house in Donegal – people have been left confused with her resolution for this year.

Sarah Jessica arrived at Dublin Airport from New York on December 22nd with her family to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s in Ireland.

After ringing in 2024, the 58-year-old took to Instagram to share the words of Brooke Hampton who served as her inspiration.

The post read: “In Ireland, on New Year’s Eve at midnight, it’s a tradition to open your backdoor and let the old year out and open your front door to let the new one in.

“Out with the old, in with the new. I like that.”

Sarah Jessica thanked her friend for introducing her to the idea in the caption, adding: “It’s forever now a tradition in the Broderick-Parker home.”

Though the idea seemed lovely, there was one issue; a lot of Irish people in the comments had never heard of it.

Celebrity chef, Stuart O’Keefe wasn’t shy about questioning the origin of the tradition, writing: “This never happens in Ireland. I dunno who made this up.”

While a lot of folks were lost some confirmed they had heard of the ritual with one writing: “‘I’m from Ireland and we have done this every year, always remember it being done as a child in my nanny’s when I managed to stay up late and now I do it with my own children.”

Sarah Jessica Parker
Credit: Getty

However, the lore only deepened when people from Scotland, Wales and England confirmed that they participated in the tradition.

“We do this in England and whoever is first over the threshold is said to bring luck to the house,” explained another commenter.

Wherever this habit comes from, it’s got a sweet sentiment behind it that’s for sure.