Remember when interning meant long days taking coffee orders and picking up dry cleaning for the boss?
Yeah, so do we.
For the latest generation of social media newbies however, those days are long over – if you’re super talented, at least.
According to a new survey by Glassdoor, interns at the bigger US social media and tech companies are luring the best and brightest to their desks with eye-popping pay packets.
Topping the list? Facebook, whose paid summer interns take home a whopping $8,000 per month – that’s €7,337.
What’s more, they even make it difficult to spend it, providing other perks such as free meals and snacks, transport and accommodation.
According to the Glassdoor list, the 25 highest-paying US internships are:
1. Facebook $8,000
2. Microsoft $7,100
3. ExxonMobil $6,507
4. Salesforce $6,450
5. Amazon $6,400
6. Apple $6,400
7. Bloomberg $6,400
8. Yelp $6,400
9. Yahoo $6,080
10. VMware $6,080
Is it too late for a career change?