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05th Sep 2012

Skincare For the Colder Months

When the temperatures drop, it can cause all sorts of problems with your skin, To help you to avoid these, here are five tips on how to care for your skin in the colder months.

Rebecca McKnight

The cold is good for many reasons. For example you can whip out that adorable woolly hat of yours again. You can also wear as many layers as you like and not worry about arriving to work all sticky and sweaty. It also means that Christmas is coming. Yay!

But the cold is also bad for many reasons. For example you have to take a coat everywhere you go. You also have to deal with that horrible feeling of getting out of the shower in the morning when it’s absolutely freezing. It also means that your skin is not going to know what has hit it. Boohoo!

Fear not because we can help you with one of these problems. It is, we use the term loosely, easy to help your skin to adapt to the drop in temperature and all that it entails. Just follow these five steps and your skin should make it through…

1. If you don’t do anything else for your skin during these harsher months, make sure you do moisturise all over. The cold dries your skin out completely which is sort of ironic because the cold usually indicates the wet in Ireland. But that’s neither here nor there, stock up on body lotions and face creams to stay hydrated.

Quick Tip: Wear a hydrating lotion under your makeup (to prolong hydration and your makeup).

2. Avoid washing with hot water. As much as you want to dive into a hot bath or dip your face into a sink full of hot water when it’s minus degrees outside, it won’t help your skin at all. You may have noticed it already but hot water leaves your skin dry and tight. To stop this from happening, you need to avoid hot water at all costs.

Quick Tip: Go for a quick, warm shower (followed by a hot chocolate- there’s nothing against those!). 

3. This will sound like an excuse for a treat but it’s really not. Well it sort of is but it’s also practical. Your skin will definitely benefit from a trip to the spa during the colder months. A facial will not only help to cleanse your pores but it will also get out any impurities that might be there from the warmer months.

Quick Tip: Get a hydrating facial (and a pedicure if you really want to spoil yourself).

4. We know it’s expensive but if you can, change your skincare products during the winter season. Because of the climate change, your skin’s needs change as well. It will need more moisture and depending on your skin type, will require special care and attention. While we’re not saying you should buy an entirely new bathroom cupboard, we are saying that if you’re cleanser just happened to be almost finished you should get one that’s more suited for the colder months.

Quick Tip: Use creams, not lotions (unless you’re oily in which case stick to lotions).

5. It is vital that you think about all areas of your skin including your nails and your lips. Nails can become weak and brittle during the colder months so moisturise them and use a strengthening nail polish to protect them. As for your lips, keep them hydrated and make sure you don’t lick them.

Quick Tip: Carry petroleum jelly with you (for your lips and any other dry areas of skin).

With these tips, hopefully the only thing you’ll have to worry about is wrapping up warm!